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22 10, 2024

Christmas Wines: Perfect Pairings for the Holidays

2024-10-22T08:32:58+02:0022 October 2024|News|Comments Off on Christmas Wines: Perfect Pairings for the Holidays

Christmas is a magical time when family gatherings and celebrations with friends revolve around the table, good food, and of course, Christmas wines. This year, holiday meals promise to [...]

13 09, 2021

Refresh your summer with awarded Valencian white wines

2021-11-22T12:34:54+02:0013 September 2021|News|Comments Off on Refresh your summer with awarded Valencian white wines

Refresh your summer with awarded Valencian white wines. Do you know about the Valencian white wines of our winery, with awards that guarantee their quality? The so-called Summer wines [...]

2 08, 2021

Keep enjoying the Valencian red wines even in summer

2021-11-22T11:05:20+02:002 August 2021|News|Comments Off on Keep enjoying the Valencian red wines even in summer

Keep enjoying Valencian red wines in summer. During summer, high temperatures makes us change our eating and drinking habits. We look for refreshing options.  It’s the ideal time to [...]

17 05, 2021

The good weather is here, the time for vermouth is coming

2021-11-22T11:06:13+02:0017 May 2021|News|Comments Off on The good weather is here, the time for vermouth is coming

13:30 La Hora del Vermut the best Valencian vermouth (said by Valencia Plaza) and the perfect partner for Spring. The good weather is here. Valencia, a city of sun, [...]

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