“Barrejat” is a popular drink from Valencia that is characterised by its unique and traditional flavour.
“Barrejat”, which means “mixture” in Valencian, is obtained by mixing two of Valencia’s most popular and famous drinks: cazalla and mistela.
The ‘barrejat’ was very popular during the 19th century among farm labourers, who used to drink it to combat the morning cold and as a way of finishing their lunches.
“Barrejats” were prepared directly in bars or houses by mixing an equal quantity of cazalla and mistela (to lower the alcoholic content of the cazalla) in a short glass.
Today, the traditional ‘barrejat’ has regained popularity and is considered a drink to be enjoyed both at lunches and at celebrations with friends, recalling its Valencian roots.
La Baronía de Turís, which produces the most renowned muscatel mistela, both nationally and internationally, and Destilerías Cerveró, which is known for its famous cazalla, have combined their knowledge gained throughout their history to produce this liqueur and relaunch it under the name of “Barrexat de la Terreta”.
This new version of the “barrejat” is presented as a versatile drink, which can be taken in a short traditional shot glass or innovated as a long drink, ideal to be served in a balloon glass with ice, adapting to current preferences without losing its fidelity to its historical origins.
The production of this drink is based on respect for the tradition and history of its two components, maintaining its character and personality rooted in the Valencian territory, but with a modern touch that distinguishes it.
Both La Baronía de Turís and Destilerías Cerveró have put a lot of effort into this unique project, from the selection of the best mistela from Baronía de Turís, the same one that gives life to another of their great projects, the premium Valencian Sun 5th Anniversary mistela, to finding the ideal proportion of Cerveró’s cazalla to make this particular project. Even the packaging of the bottle is unique, with a label that evokes the tradition and modernism of Valencia.
“BarreXat de la Terreta” is a new commitment by La Baronía de Turís to its land and its traditions, its people and its customs, preserving the original flavour and creativity of Valencia.
At La Baronía de Turís we are proud to have been working for more than 100 years to maintain the customs and traditions of Valencia, more than 100 years making good wines, vermouth and liqueurs. La Baronía de Turís, a centenary winery.