This morning we participated in Demoagro Specialty, one of the largest events in the world of agricultural machinery.

Held in Turís, across several hectares of fruit fields, attendees have been able to witness the evolution of the machinery exhibited at the event.

This international summit was held for the first time in Spain thanks to the good work of Ansemat, and has summoned thirty exhibitors of specific agricultural machinery for special crops.

More than 100 guests from different countries have attended the event, and Baronía de Turís has carried out a tasting of four of our most important products: artisanal Vermouth 13:30 la hora del vermut, our fruity white wine Son 2 Días and our award-winning Henri Marc 02 (Merlot) and 03 (Malvasía), all of them being liked by the public gathered at the event.