Monovarietal red wine Henri Marc 02 Merlot Silver Catavinum 2020Henri Marc 02 obtained a Silver Medal in Catavinum Contest 2020. Henri Marc belongs to the monovarietal wine collection Henri Marc made by La Baronía de Turís. In this collection you can find HM01 (Syrah), HM02 (Merlot) and HM03 (Malvasía).

This red wine made from merlot grapes is characterized by being a blend of merlot aged in barrels and merlot stored in tanks. It came with character and innovative personality.

In Catavinum Contest 2020 2020 participated 3123 different wines but only 934 of them won a medal and a diploma…

Apart from our Henri Marc 02, also Henri Marc 01, Henri Marc 03 and Barón de Turís Reserva obtained prizes.