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Medal for Dona Dolça in the Grand Or Grand Jury Prize

 11 November 2024+ info
Our premium mistela Dona Dolça has garnered a triple accolade at the latest edition of the Sélections Mondiales des Vins Canada (SMVC) awards: the Grand Gold Medal, the Grand Jury [+info]

Gold medal for Viña Malata Blanco de uvas moscatel at the Muscat du Monde

 06 July 2023+ info
Our Viña Malata Blanco made from Muscat grapes has received the gold medal at the 23rd edition of the Muscat du Monde international competition. This competition is undoubtedly the most [+info]

Silver medal for the Mistela Moscatel de Turís in the competition Muscats du Monde

 06 July 2023+ info
Silver medal for the Mistela Moscatel de Turís Tradicional for the second consecutive year in the prestigious international competition Muscats du Monde. This international competition is one of the most [+info]

Bronze Medal for 13:30 La Hora del Vermut at the IWSC 2023

 06 July 2023+ info
Bronze Medal for 13:30 La Hora del Vermut at the International Wine and Spirit Competition 2023 (IWSC). For the second consecutive year, this artisanal vermouth has won the bronze medal [+info]

1000 Besos Merlot Silver medal

 31 May 2023+ info
On its first trip to Japan, 1000 Besos Merlot has conquered the palate of Japanese women. Our premium red mistela has won the silver medal in the 10th edition of [+info]

Gold medal for fruity white wine Son 2 días

 09 May 2023+ info
Gold medal in the Spanish National Wine Competition [+info]

Gold medal for Mistela Moscatel de Turís

 03 November 2022+ info
Gold medal for Mistela Moscatel de Turís at the 29th edition of the Sélections Mondiales des Vins Canada awards. This wine competition is the largest in North America and one [+info]

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